Mother Nature’s Power Can Be Awesome.
Fortunately, Yours Can Be Superior.
If you’re not prepared, a power loss from a wind, ice, or snow storm, blizzard, hurricane, excessive heat and even a tornado can make your home uncomfortable quickly. However, a power loss lasting hours or days can make your home uninhabitable, cause material loss and possibly damage to your home.
A power loss will disable your heating, air-conditioning, freezers, refrigerators, water pumps, security system, and lighting. Depending on the season, a power loss can cause food in your freezer or refrigerator to spoil; a sump pump failure can lead to a flooded basement. An unheated home during cold weather due to a power loss could cause your water pipes to freeze and burst.
You most certainly want to be prepared, for even a short term power outage, if you have someone with health issues and medical equipment that requires power.
The Power Equipment Group has a wide range of standby power solutions to meet the needs of every homeowner. We can meet with you and review your requirements and recommend a standby power generator that will be ready to meet the need should you lose power. Whether you purchased a generator from us, or use us to service your generator, we want to build a long–term relationship with you as your go to Standby Power Partner.
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